
How to write accessible web content

by by Lindsey Markel, Senior content strategist

Following a few content tips can make a big difference in the accessibility of your website.

Lindsey wearing pink pom-pom earrings and writing on a pink Post-it
Three raised fists on a yellow background under the text
Celebrating Juneteenth with black-owned businesses I love

I grew up celebrating Juneteenth in Texas, so I wanted to share my experience — and host a digital festival of vendors — with my colleagues and friends as part of Pixo's DEI committee celebrations this year.

Woman's hand stops a row of wood dominos from falling.
How to communicate risk and empower your clients

Communicating project risk can be tough, but providing multiple options for next steps makes it easier for your team and your client to decide on the best way forward.

An illustration of a bowl of chips on background of chips
Pixo’s annual Dorito Day: The power of celebrating just because

Our favorite made-up holiday is as much about shared joy as it is about junk food.

A smiling woman in a yellow shirt standing next to a smiling woman in a red shirt standing around a table with coworkers
More than a vendor: Three reasons to choose a consulting team for your tech project

When you’re planning to invest in a new website or app, partnering with the right team is key. Find out how Pixo works, and why a consultancy like ours could be the right fit.

Zoom grid with 15 people in a remote meeting with pictures of donuts as their background
Zoom background themes: An actually fun icebreaker for your next staff meeting

This low-barrier staff activity has kept the Pixo team connected for two years and counting.

A robot holding a wrench and pliers
You don’t need to be an engineer to build an automation

You are a human — you should be doing human things. Let a robot do your repetitive computer tasks, like this simple macro for Google Sheets.

Three metal entrances each labeled with a do not enter sign
Is your company’s culture holding you back?

It's not a good sign when people aren’t learning or growing in their roles. Finding a healthy culture has been vital for my career and my health.

Young boy with glasses and striped shirt at a laptop with right hand raised and pointer finger up
How I learned to hang up my ego and design with humility

I came to my design role at Pixo with a me-centered mindset, which drove me into a brick wall during one of my first projects.

Three line-drawn medical staff performing surgery on a patient
Brain surgeons use checklists, and so should you

When developing websites and software, the humble checklist can help improve quality and free up mental space.

Laptop with a grid of remote meeting participants on screen next to a coffee mug on a table
How to show up for a remote meeting when you don’t want to

Meetings are an essential part of creating digital products, but they can be hard — especially when remote. Use your next meeting as an experiment to slow down and lean in.

Teal Post-it note and coral astronaut illustrations high-fiving
Three steps to help with tough working relationships

Sharing timely, kind feedback is the best way to shed the mental weight of a hard work situation.

An illustrated astronaut overwhelmed by a collage of website homepages
More websites, more problems? You could use a multisite

Managing multiple sites for one organization can be a challenge. Wrangle your sites under one roof to save time, resources, and your own sanity.

Line drawing of a white road on teal background
Why I traded the corporate path for a career in consulting

I was convinced I wanted to work at large corporations, until I realized a smaller consultancy felt more like me.

Google search engine page
Good SEO starts at the core of your website

Don't know where to begin with SEO? Useful content and well-engineered pages are the first step to search engine optimization.

LinkedIn share card with image, title and URL
Metadata cheatsheet: Your guide to great-looking share cards

When you share a page from your site, what does the link look like? Be intentional about metadata to give readers a reason to click.