Pixonauts earn Core Value Awards from their peers

In accordance with Pixo tradition, we celebrated Pixo’s values during our last staff meeting of 2021 by honoring Pixonauts who best upheld each of our values during the year.
Pixo values 2021 award winners shown next to a trophy

2021 winners

In accordance with Pixo tradition, we celebrated Pixo’s values during our last staff meeting of 2021 by honoring Pixonauts who best upheld each of our values during the year.

After receiving peer nominations, various groups at Pixo choose a colleague to recognize for each of our eight values. Here are the winners and some of the quotes shared about them during the award ceremony.

We demand quality of ourselves and each other

Winner: Landi Najarro

  • “There are no lazy or surface-level decisions when the person is in the room. They have the vision to be able to see the short and long-term view of nearly every choice we make as a team. They have the conviction to always speak up, ask why, request clarification, and push back when she does’t agree.”
  • “Not selfish, doesn’t cut corners, driven by an earnest desire to help those around them and Pixo grow and improve.”

Diversity makes us stronger

Chris Hopkins

  • “This year’s winner lends his privilege a lot. He’s thoughtful, empathetic, and knows when to advocate and when to make space in the room. He’s pushed the DEI Committee this year both behind the scenes (and in front) to not shy away from difficult conversation but rather to walk through them together.”

We take initiative

Danielle Hendricks

  • “This person is not afraid to jump in feet first to learn about new concepts, clients, or ideas. She asks good questions and seeks out interesting challenges to put Pixo in the places we want to be. Their impact on the Account Team has been bold, curious, and open with a collaborative spirit and a sharp sense of herself.”

We are committed to work-life balance

Lyndsey Groth

  • “This person has balance and healthy boundaries. But it is clear that she’s very strongly committed to her work. She doesn’t minimize work, she balances it by taking healthy breaks — like afternoon walks — and demonstrating great self-care. She also critically thinks about client commitments and tries to make sure her team doesn’t over-promise.”

We’re on our client’s team

Steve Zazeski

  • “Extra mile. Dig deeper. Solutions that go beyond. Extra research. Determination. Really understanding a client’s problem and finding out the why.”
  • “Genuinely wanting to find the best fit and the best solution, and it comes naturally.”

We invest

Noor Hillmy

  • “Led a team through many big changes this year as they adopted scrum practices. This was a huge challenge for them and for the whole team to adapt to so much change. This person remained committed and vigilant in spite of those challenges. Their commitment to self-improvement and improving Pixo is palpable in their efforts every day.”

We’re honest and transparent

Nicole Haglund

  • “This person is honest and transparent, and the thing that brings it to the level is that she has shared with us in staff meeting how she is honest and transparent in a way that is reproducible. She gave us her formula for giving our clients options and recommendations.”

People come first

Joanna Troutman

  • “This person is not afraid to show that they are human and give power to others, including myself. It can be scary to express emotions or an unpopular opinion. This person is strong enough to express themselves and be there to hold space for others who are being vulnerable.”
  • “This person sets clear expectations for performance that takes into account that we are humans who make mistakes.”

Congratulations to Pixo’s 2021 Core Values Award winners!